Sunday, 31 October 2010

Patent, First to File and First to Invent System

A first to file patent system and a first to invent system are use to define who is entitle to a patent for the invention. There are only two countries that use first to invent system nowadays which is United States and Philippines. All the rest uses the first to file system.

First to File, in this system, the inventor who is the first to file a patent application, regardless of the date of invention is entitling to the patent.

First to Invent, in this system, the patent is granted to the inventor who first conceived of the invention and the diligently reduced it to practice by filing a patent application.


Friday, 29 October 2010


INCOTERMS give the standard definition of international trade terms. It tells the parties what to do with respect to carriage of the goods from seller to buyer.
FOB stand for Free On Board, it is one term of INCOTERMS in which “the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point.”

It is necessary to use FOB when the goods are intended to be resold by the buyer before they reach the destination, because this way the buyer can take control of the goods before it arrives at buyer’s premise.
FOB is a good choice for the seller who should refrain from undertaking any additional obligation such as small exporter, because it would be complicated for small exporter to do the contract of carriage out side it’s own country.

“FOB will not assist the parties in determining exactly how the costs of loading or discharge should be distributed between them. The notion that risks and costs are transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail is not very helpful for the distribution of the loading costs.”

Each terms of INCOTERMS has it own characteristic to be use in specific situation. FOB would be best suit for buyer who can procure the goods from ship’s rail to its premise, and for the seller who could not provides the carriage of goods out of its own country.

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
J. Ramberg, ICC Guide to Incoterms 2000 (ICC Publishing S.A. International Chamber of Commerce, Paris 1999)

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Child Labour Essay

Child labour means exploiting the under age children in any form forcing them to work legally with harms or  abuses them. This abuses may be physical, mental or  sexual depriving the child from their rights of basic  education

International Regulation
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international treaty that recognizes the human rights of children, 192 countries had become State Parties to the Convention

Under Article 1 of this Convention a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years

Under Article 32 of the Convention, the State Parties have to provide minimum ages for admission to employment, provide appropriate regulation of the hours and conditions of employment , provide for appropriate penalties or other sanctions to ensure the effective enforcement.

However, some State Parties do not seriously enforce Child Labour regulations.
During the period 2000 - 2004 the world witnessed a decrease in child labour, since then, this positive trend has slowed down.
According to International Labour  Organization (ILO) estimates, there are some250 million children between ages of 5 and 14 years who are in economic activity in developing countries.

It seems like the prohibition of child labour is not successful,  the decrease of child labour has slowed down since 2004, it's a signal of unaccomplished of child labour.

Journal of Economic Issue Article date:june1, 1995 Author: Hasnat,Baban
Council conclusions on child labour, 3023rd FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Luxembourg, 14 June 2010

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Child Labor

Ajay, a four year old child have to work 13 hours a day. His works are including of break up rocks, fetch water, and dig trenches.

I can't believe a kid at this age have to work this hard.

For further information, please visit the web-site below.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Is Fair Trade fair?

Basically, Fair Trade is about a better price, decent working condition, and Fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in developing world. Done this by insisting on companies to pay sustainable prices under the Fair Trade minimum price, and Fair Trade premium.

Fair trade minimum price is more stable than the market price, in which it set up to guarantees that producers receive a price that cover the cost of sustainable production.

Fair Trade premium is the money paid on top of the Fair Trade minimum price. This money will be use to improve to quality of producer’s health, education, environment etc.

Some points that Fair Trade has to consider
However, it’s not every producer gets help from Fair Trade, the producer has to meet with Fair Trade Standards first, to get help. It’s not on the basic of need.

Sometimes, Fair Trade is use for marketing ploy to get ethically people to pay for it. Furthermore, it may harm many other products by stigmatizing other products as unfairly and exploitatively, but in the end only 10% of premium paid go to producer. The other 90% go to retailers.

Fair Trade set up a fix price for the producer, It make them uncompetitive producer. In the long run, it might hold back the economic development. They may unable to get involve in world trade’s competition.

Marc Sidwell, ‘UNFAIR TRADE 2008’

Sunday, 17 October 2010

OSCALA References

I'm working on "how to reference sources OSCOLA style".
I found some web site that might be useful under here.
I'll hope it maybe helpful for some of reader.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Testing Post

Today is my first time to work in workshop. I think it's pretty good to learn things this way.
But tomorrow, I going to have my second workshop. [T-T] So quick, I don't have much time to prepare for it.